6 Week Body Makeover is a scam! Beware! This is the first thing that people cry out when a diet has not worked for them. Is the Michael Thurmond
6 Week Body Makeover a scam? Well it depends on what you consider a scam. According to Webster's Dictionary a scam is "A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle." I'm not sure that the intention of this program was to swindle people out of not losing weight? The fact is, if you follow the program, you will lose weight.
So how can this be a scam? There is up-selling, or multi-level marketing scheme. People are just ignorant and want to cry about something when it doesn't work for them.
The Michael Thurman program states that you will lose weight by eating more, exercising less and have the possibility to lose up to 30 pounds. Does this mean you will lose 30 pounds? Not necessary, everybody's bodies are different and everyone's discipline is different when it comes to food.
Many people write reviews without even trying the product and then re-direct you to another product. This is called affiliate marketing redirection. These sites are a dime a dozen and can be found within any "fat loss" niche. I, for one, have tried the eating plan and would like to give you my opinion on this program as I have tried it and think of myself as a un-biased third party. Why am I un-biased? Well first of all, I'm not trying to sell anybody the body makeover kit, nor am I endorsing any of the Provida company's products. You will not see any affiliate links embedded into this post or re-directions to another website. I just want to share my opinion and give and honest overview of the body makeover experience.
First I'll start with the negative aspects of the plan.
The food choices are very restrictive - you will eat more meals a day (up to 6) and have to eat about every 3 hours. However, many of the food choices that most body types are limited to are low carbohydrates, lean meats and very bland fruits and vegetables. The diet focuses on cutting out sodium, sugars and most fat. If you can get over the fact that you will continuously eat the same foods each week, then you lose weight on this program. If you want to eat a variety, then you should probably choose another diet. This leaves you with protein choices such as chicken breast, lean turkey, some seafood and beans. Also, you can lose a lot of weight in the first week by reducing the water weight in your body. This caused by nearly eliminating all the sodium out of your diet and upping your water intake to about 100 ounces per day. Many people complain that the food choices are too limited and that they get sick of the food very quickly.
The food takes too much time to prepare - This is true because you will be spending a lot of time in the kitchen preparing your meals for the week. If you're not used to cooking for yourself or grocery shopping, then this program is not for you. If you are already used to cooking meals for a week, then maybe this meal plan make you lose weight. There is a lot of preparation involved, however, this can also be a positive thing. When you are aware of what you're cooking, you will tend to eat healthier because you have control of the portions you are cooking and what you put into your food.
It takes too long to set up the diet - Many people complain that the set up is too long and that it takes to long to figure everything out. This is semi-true as there are multiple steps that you will need to do in order to figure out your body type, meal plan and body sculpting plan. I would suggest that you take the body blue print online as this will save you an immense amount of planning time. The rest is pretty simple. However, I would think with the advances in technology that they could integrate all of the flip-cards and what not into an integrated online website. It's kind of dumb to have to carry the 6 Week Body Makeover book around with me.
You gain weight once you leave the diet - doesn't this happen with all diets though?
Now for the positivesYou will lose weight - Follow the meal plan and your body sculpting program and you will lose weight. Some people will lose a lot of weight!
It's a low cost program - Unlike Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, there is a one time payment for the body makeover kit. It will cost you about $120 to start losing weight. You can also shop around on Craigslist and Ebay for a cheaper copy.
You will learn how to eat healthier - This is a good and bad thing as some people tend to regress and gain weight as soon as that delicious piece of fried chicken hits their lips.
This is a very simple diet to follow and it's possible to lose weight. Now that you know a little about this eating program. I would suggest that you plan your
6 Week Body Makeover experience by taking the body blue print which can be found on Michael Thurman website.